Friday, May 23, 2014

The Time Machine; H.G. Wells

 Do you like fantasy and science fiction? Do you fancy time traveling and moving through worlds?
 Then The Time Machine is your next book. 

The Times Machine was published in 1895, written by the English writer H.G.Wells or Herbert George Wells (21 September 1866 - 13 August 1946). [A Virgo]

The term 'Time Machine' was first used by Wells but the concept of time travelling was introduced way before that. Wells himself used this same concept in his short story The Chronic Argonauts- check it on Goodreads or get the book- which was written before "The Time Machine" in 1888. 

This novella reflects Wells own political and social reviews. If you read the book and has a little bit of historical background about this era, you'll find that the future he imagined would be very logical and very pron to happen. 

The concept of time traveling was adapted in many other books, series and movies but very few stuck to the storyline of Well's book.. Some of them were really popular as the concept itself is very flexible to work with and each work is unique in its own use of the concept like the very famous trilogy 'Back to the future I, II and III' that started in 1985 and won plenty of awards. There is also the English TV series "Doctor Who?" that started in 2005 and still broadcasting - Check IMDB or get the DVD but non of them followed the storyline of Wells' novel.

However, some adaptions tried to follow Wells' storyline. The most recent of these adaptions was in 2002 and got nominated to 1 Oscar and won a World sound track award- check IMDB or get the DVD. Another adaption was in 1960 and that one did get an academy award for best special effects and was nominated for a Hugo Award- check IMDB or get the DVD.

You can click the photos to check them on Goodreads. Also, you can check for more information about the book here or you can get the book from here. If you're interested in reading other Wells' work you can check this and find whatever deal works for you.

If you have more information or a book recommendation please leave a comment or message me.......May you all have a fascinating read!

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